Sometimes, while you’re searching for something specific on the web, you stumble across a graph or quote or great recipe. You leave the tab open, promising yourself you’ll go back later to harvest the information. You almost never do. Sooner or later, you close your browser, losing all those tabs forever. Sound familiar?
Try one of these easy-to-use tools to help you categorize the tidbits you pick up online for easy sharing with colleagues or filing for later.
Google Keep. Of course, Google offers a free solution. Google Keep is an app you can download to your desktop. It syncs automatically with which you can keep open in a tab on your Chrome browser. Add Google Keep as an extension to Chrome and you can clip text and images to a “note.” You can file notes under labels for easy sorting. You can also download the Google Keep app to your tablet to save hand-drawn images. Sharing is easy too.
Evernote. If you’re wary of sharing yet more of your private things with Google, consider Evernote. It’s similar to Google Keep except it offers a more robust interface. The notes screen has more font and colour options when you’re typing. You can track and assign tasks. It also integrates with Google Calendar and the Google Chrome extension allows for much more control on what is clipped from a website.